In Loving Memory
Nancy Jane Melton
Guaranteed Hand Delivery
by a local florist chosen by the funeral home
Serene Sanctuary Basket
Same day delivery
Guaranteed Hand Delivery
A local florist will hand deliver your arrangement


Yes, I’d like to add a memorial tree to my purchase for an additional $9.95 (a $39.95 value) question

Please note: Each bouquet is uniquely crafted by a local florist. Rest assured, our local florists take pride in their work and any substitutions will be made with flowers of equal or greater value.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a flower & plant shortage. Substitutions of equal or greater value may be necessary to complete your order.


Our Serene Sanctuary Basket is a classic red and white funeral flower design to be displayed on a side table near the casket or sent directly to the home. It features roses, Hydrangea, Snapdragons, Spider Mums, and other premium foliage in a classic white basket. Funeral flowers bring healing to the family and friends of a lost loved one. A similar look can be achieved with other colors and flowers. For any and all funeral flowers, feel free to contact our shop for ideas and variations to make your final tribute extra unique and special. Shown at Better.
Personalize Your Order
Review the delivery details and enter a free card message
Sourced by Local Florist
A local florist chosen by the funeral home fulfills the order
Hand Delivered
Local florists deliver directly to the services or family home
Our Serene Sanctuary Basket is a classic red and white funeral flower design to be displayed on a side table near the casket or sent directly to the home. It features roses, Hydrangea, Snapdragons, Spider Mums, and other premium foliage in a classic white basket. Funeral flowers bring healing to the family and friends of a lost loved one. A similar look can be achieved with other colors and flowers. For any and all funeral flowers, feel free to contact our shop for ideas and variations to make your final tribute extra unique and special. Shown at Better.
Personalize your order
Review the delivery details and enter a free card message
Sourced by Local Florist
A local florist chosen by the funeral home fulfills the order
Hand Delivered
Local florists deliver directly to the services or family home

We work with our local florist to bring you high-quality, hand designed arrangements.


If you choose same-day delivery, be sure to place your order before 3:00 PM Monday through Friday or by 12:00 PM on Saturday in the recipients time zone. Please not that same-day delivery might not be available during peak holiday time or in certain weather conditions. The local florist will fulfill the order as closely as possible to your selection depending on availability and inventory. If the exact flowers or container you have selected are not available, your florist will substitute only items of equal or higher value to create a bouquet with the freshest available flowers.

Quality Guarantee:

We're proud to offer you a wide selection of arrangements and we work closely with our florists to make sure your designs are created using only the freshest flowers in store. Your order will be filled by an experienced professional and hand-delivered to your chosen recipient. By working directly with local florists, we are able to enforce strict guidelines for quality and service to ensure your complete satisfaction with your order.

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